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Assassin's Creed Valhalla Twitch Prime Freebies Include A Pigeon Skin For Your Raven

Players who link their Ubisoft and Amazon accounts can get a series of extras.


Subscribers to Amazon Prime can get some extra goodies for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, including a skin for your raven that turns the bird into a pigeon.

The Carolingian Dynasty Gear Pack includes a gear set, a mount, a shield, a weapon, and naval pro and skin sets. It also includes the aforementioned pigeon skin.

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To unlock the content, you need to link your Ubisoft Connect and Amazon Prime accounts. Once you've done that, the gear will show up once you reach England in the game and create your own stable and shipyard. The DLC may take up to 48 hours to arrive.

You can visit the Assassin's Creed Valhalla page on Amazon's website to learn more about the promotion and how to redeem your goodies.

Valhalla enjoyed a very strong launch for Ubisoft, with the publisher reporting that the game sold through more units in its first week than any other game in the entire franchise.

GameSpot's Assassin's Creed Valhalla review scored the game an 8/10. "It takes a little while to build momentum, but when it hits its stride, Valhalla is a confident Assassin's Creed title that takes a few narrative risks which, as a whole, pay off," reviewer Jordan Ramee said.

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