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Assassin's Creed Valhalla Updates To Add Roguelite Mode And More

Ubisoft is celebrating 15 years of Assassin's Creed with updates coming to various games and more.


The Assassin's Creed series turns 15 years old this year, and Ubisoft is marking the occasion with a number of special events and content drops. The festivities include new activities in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, a free trial for Origins, and weekly celebrations through a dedicated site.

To start, Valhalla is getting a second year of post-launch content. You'll be able to play a rogue-lite mode called The Forgotten Saga, with a free update this summer. Then at the end of the year Ubisoft promises one last chapter in the Eivor saga, which will be added as a free update for all players. For those who just want to learn more about Viking history, the Valhalla Discovery Tour is now available as a standalone experience across all platforms, and Ubisoft has opened its curriculum guide for classrooms.

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Now Playing: Assassin's Creed 15th Anniversary Celebration Livestream

Ubisoft also formally announced the 60fps update for Assassin's Creed Origins on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. Even if you don't own Origins, you can try it out with a free weekend from June 16-20.

Finally, Ubisoft has set up a dedicated anniversary site, AssassinsCreed15, where it will be offering content and rewards for different games each week. For this first volley, it's offering Assassin's Creed Origins tattoos and a naval pack in Valhalla. During the anniversary stream, Ubisoft also promised details on the future of the franchise coming in September.

Assassin's Creed began in November 2007, and has since become a powerhouse franchise for Ubisoft. It has a dozen main games, and many more compilations and spin-offs, comic books, merch--even a movie adaptation. Currently the publisher is working on Assassin's Creed Infinity, an ongoing live service game that appears primed to house future Assassin's Creed stories. We've also seen indication that Ubisoft may be working on another, smaller-scale spin-off game featuring a character from Valhalla.

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