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Asheron's Call Event Under Way

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a plague of locusts sent from heaven above.


Microsoft announced today that the Thorns of the Hopeslayer event is now under way, after launching last week in the dynamic world of Asheron's Call. As many Asheron players know, the gameworld undergoes change each month, throwing at players a unique and often frightening plot. This month, it seems that sinister Shadow creatures will invade Dereth. Its citizens have therefore issued a call to arms to repel these creatures.

Last weekend, the Shadows, which had been gathering for months in the wilderness, began a massive, coordinated attack. Three Shadow captains led these undead monsters out of the Direlands in the West, and they have moved toward the inhabited lands of northern Osteth. Dereth's heroes checked the advance just on the edge of civilization. However, there is little reason to rejoice, because as the last Shadow captain fell, he promised there would be a sequel to the invasion, involving even more powerful minions of evil.

So what are you waiting for? Strap on your armor and arm yourself!

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