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As GTA 6 Approaches, GTA 5 Passes 200 Million Copies Sold

Rockstar's open-world action game continues to soar.


As part of Take-Two's latest earnings briefing, the company announced new sales figures for Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption II, and both are juggernauts.

GTA V has now sold more than 200 million copies, which is up from 195 million in February. The entire GTA franchise, meanwhile, has surpassed 425 million units sold.

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GTA V originally launched in 2013 for PS3 and Xbox 360 before expanding to PC, PS4, and Xbox One. After that, the game came to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. One platform the game never launched on, though, was Nintendo Switch.

As for Red Dead Redemption II, the acclaimed Western has now passed 64 million units sold and the entire franchise has reached 89 million copies sold. The game originally launched in 2018 for PlayStation and Xbox before landing on PC in 2019. The series was back in the news recently regarding rumors of a potential port of the first Red Dead for PC.

Looking ahead, Rockstar is launching Grand Theft Auto VI in Fall 2025. There is no word yet on if Rockstar will make a third mainline Red Dead game, as the current rumors about the franchise have focused on a potential port of the first game for PC. Anyone who hasn't played Red Dead Redemption II yet can pick it up through their PlayStation Plus subscription in May.

Both GTA V and Red Dead Redemption II are among the best-selling video games of all time. Check out the gallery below to see all the best-selling video games ever.

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