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Apex Legends Holo-Day Bash Event Is Now Live

The holiday season has brought the return of Apex Legends' Holo-Day Bash event, which includes the Winter Express limited-time mode.


The holidays are fully upon us now, and that means that winter-themed events will soon come to all of your favorite multiplayer games. Apex Legends is the most recent game to show off its holiday offerings in its Holo-Day Bash event, which features the return of the Winter Express limited-time mode, as well as winter-themed cosmetics for both old and new Legends.

As shown in a lengthy video, Winter Express has been fine-tuned for its 2020 return. If you missed its 2019 debut, it's a king-of-the-hill mode where Legends compete to conquer a moving train. This year, slain players will respawn aboard flying loot ships that they can then parachute from to get back in the fight. The developer has also added a fifth train station so that respawning players have more chances to take the train back before the game's end.

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Now Playing: Apex Legends Holo-Day Bash 2020 Trailer

The video also goes over the new Apex-themed merch available for purchase for the holidays. This includes sweaters, lounge pants, and even a onesie for those who enjoy really relaxing when you're trying to clutch the win. The event also includes new winter cosmetic items for Legends that weren't in the game during the previous holiday event, which includes Loba, Rampart, Revenant, and Horizon.

Respawn recently fixed Apex's Season 7 battle pass challenges after fans complained that it wasn't generous enough. Fans have since uncovered a glitch on the game's newest map, Olympus, which allows you to launch the game's first vehicle across the sky.

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