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All I Wanted Was A V8

Activision brings automobile carnage to the next level with its newest PlayStation title Vigilante 8.


Hitting PlayStations everywhere in 1998 will be Activision's Vigilante 8. Similar in concept to Twisted Metal, players choose characters from two sides: the Creeps and the Vigilantes. Seems that the Creeps are invading the territory once occupied by the Vigilantes. Now, the Creeps are wreaking major havoc on their property, so the Vigilantes go to work to rid the Southwest from their evil grip.

Each character has a unique vehicle and special weapon to aid in extinguishing the Creep threat. You'll fight in areas like an airplane graveyard, a dam, the desert, and a variety of other environments. The cool part about the game is that each arena is huge, sprawling with hidden areas and secret weapons. Plus, all the buildings and structures in the game can be destroyed, letting you cause major damage in the process.

Similar in concept to Interstate 76, the game puts emphasis on battle, but also on exploration and level detail. If the time is taken, players can discover exactly what each level has to offer. Two-player split-screen action adds to the game's appeal, and any fan of Twisted Metal will want to keep up with the progress on this game.

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