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Alienware Launches the M17x Gaming Laptop

It's big, it's fast, and it's a laptop.

It lives!
It lives!

Alienware jumped into E3 with its newest gaming laptop, the behemoth 17-inch Alienware M17x. When fully loaded, the new gaming laptop will come outfitted with Intel's Core 2 Quad Extreme Processor, 8GB of DDR3 1333MHz memory, and dual Nvidia GeForce GTX 280Ms. Weighing in at 11.5 pounds and starting at $1,799, the M17x is neither small nor cheap--but it is ridiculously powerful.

Quite a front end.
Quite a front end.

The company streamlined the look of the case and made the exterior of the case from an anodized aluminum that comes in either silver or black. Just in case you didn't know, it's meant for gamers and will glow from just about every hole in the chassis.

The head.
The head.

Alienware will launch the laptop on June 2 in 35 countries.

Always cool, Alienware also trotted out its fancy-pants curved 42-inch widescreen gaming monitor.

I call her Big Bertha.
I call her Big Bertha.

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