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Activision Teases Return Of Sweaty Advanced Movement In Call of Duty: Warzone

Popular Call of Duty content creators received a package of items that seemingly hint at the return of slide canceling.


Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone launched with changes that scaled back the fast-paced movement featured in recent titles, which included Call of Duty's slide cancel mechanic. Now, popular content creators have received packages of items that tease the return of this advanced movement.

Activision sent mysterious packages to a variety of content creators and professional Warzone players, including Kris "Swagg" Lamberson of FaZe Clan and Tyler "TeeP" Polchow of OpTic Gaming. The packages contained an odd mix of items, with a pair of slides footwear, a can, and a burner cell phone, which seemingly hints at the return of the slide canceling movement. Put the three random items together and you get Slide+Can+Cell.

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Now Playing: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is Coming!

Originally introduced in Modern Warfare 2019, slide canceling was a popular and advanced movement trick that high-skilled players used to avoid enemy fire and keep their movement momentum. It allowed them to cancel the game's slide animation, resetting their tactical sprint and maintaining momentum with more fluid sliding.

Infinity Ward removed this advanced movement in Modern Warfare 2, taking the game back to more of a classic Call of Duty feel, but it seems that the developer is reverting the movement back to previous years. It's uncertain if the changes will impact Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer, but players can likely expect to be slide canceling in Warzone soon, as the cellphone in the packages gave the additional tease, saying "You'll be expected to move more quickly in Al Mazrah."

Bringing slide canceling back now is a very late change for Warzone and Al Mazrah, as Modern Warfare 3 has officially been teased with a November 10 launch date. It's uncertain if this movement feature will also be reintroduced in the upcoming title, but make sure to check out all of the rumors and leaks surrounding Modern Warfare 3's release.

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