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Activision Announces Quake II Mission Pack

Activision continues its history of mission packs with the announcement of the first official add-on for Quake II.


Activision announced on Monday that its first mission pack titled Quake II: The Reckoning will be available this March.

The title is currently being developed by Xatrix Entertainment (known for games like Cyberia 2), published by id Software, and distributed by Activision.

Todd Hollenshead, CEO of id Software, added, "id fans can't get enough of Quake II, and with this action-packed addition, the ruthless carnage continues."

What's different? The new mission pack casts gamers as part of a commando force that must storm an alien city and locate and destroy a hidden alien moon base. The new levels will be mission-based campaigns, and players get to play in three episodes including industrial landscapes, waterways, air ducts, canyons, and alien spacecraft. Also included in the pack will be deathmatch levels.

Other additions in the add-on include new weapons like a plasma accelerator (that delivers a pulsating energy blast), an energy trap (that captures enemies and turns them into food), and a particle shotgun. New baddies take the shape of a wild Gekk (who stalks undetected and strikes with quick blows from the shadows), alien repair bots, and Symbiods (who have killer particle stings).

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