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Accolade's E3 Lineup

Jack Nicklaus will make an appearance for PCs, DVD, and the PlayStation, along with Deadlock 2 and Test Drive 4.


Accolade is the latest company to reveal its slate of E3 offerings, which include a number of Jack Nicklaus games, sports titles, and others. The company plans to show two leading sports titles, baseball sim HardBall 6 and Legends Football '98, along with Redline and Test Drive 4. Both sports games are set to ship in September for the PC.

Test Drive 4 is a racing game coming out for the PC and PlayStation this November, while Redline is described as a post-Apocalyptic gang simulation complete with realistic combat and character development. Accolade will also show the sequel to Deadlock, which should ship for the PC this fall.

Jack Nicklaus 5 is set for release this holiday season for the PC, and the Jack Nicklaus Online Tour is a multiplayer game shipping this summer. Console gamers will have a chance to experience the golf sim with Jack Nicklaus '98, due on the PlayStation this holiday. Jack Nicklaus 4 will also make an appearance on DVD this summer.

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