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5 Developments From The Flash: Season 2, Episode 22 [SPOILERS]

Is the Flash fast enough to beat all these villains?


Zoom has released an army of metahumans from Earth-2. Flash and the team from STAR Labs have to figure out a way to stop them. Meanwhile, a face from the past comes to Central City, and is more powerful than they could ever imagine.

Warning: Spoilers for the episode ahead.

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Caitlin's Struggle

Last week, Zoom gave Caitlin the choice to leave or stay with him, before it was revealed that the villain brought his own gallery of rogues to Central City. Caitlin chose to go back to her friends, as any sane person would. However, Zoom may have done something to her. Caitlin begins to see images of her former captor and, at first, he's transparent. As the episode goes on, however, full images of Zoom start appearing and only Caitlin can see them. It's unclear as to whether this is psychological and all in her head, or if Zoom actually did something to her.

Cisco Vibes the Future

Throughout the season, Cisco's vibe power has gotten stronger and stronger. Throughout this week's episode, Cisco begins to vibe himself in a city, presumably Central City. He keeps seeing dead birds on the sidewalk. At the end of the episode, Cisco's vibe continues and he sees Earth-2's Central City being torn apart by the same rifts they use to travel between worlds. However, this isn't currently happening in Central City, that they know of, so Cisco believes that this vibe is coming from the future.

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The Return of Laurel Lance

The villain of the week happened to someone from everyone's past. Laurel Lance makes her presence known in Central City by unleashing screams that can take down buildings. However, this isn't the Black Canary that everyone in Central City once knew. She's still dead. This Laurel Lance is from Earth-2, also known as Black Siren. She's working with Zoom to take over Earth-1, and she's more powerful than the Earth-1 Laurel Lance ever was. Taking her down was tough for the STAR Labs team as the majority of them had a connection with Laurel prior to her death.

Wally is Fighting Crime

Wally West takes one more step to becoming Kid Flash by hitting the streets of Central City to help take down the Earth-2 metahumans. He doesn't have his signature Speed Force powers (yet), but he has decided to take action by hunting down these Earth-2 villains. Joe finds out and isn't too happy. Eventually, Flash runs into Wally to have a talk with him about what he's doing. However, Wally says he's doing this because he lives in Central City too, and he wants to defend it.

Death of the Father0

Zoom escapes to Earth-2 after the other metahumans in the city have been taken down. Everything seems safe, and the STAR Labs crew shares a dinner together at the West household. However, they are not safe. Zoom runs in and kidnaps Henry Allen, the Flash's father. Flash runs after him and Zoom leads Barry to his childhood home, where his mother was killed. Zoom thinks Barry will be just like him if he kills Henry. Barry pleads with Zoom, but in the end, Zoom kills Henry Allen.

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Will the death of Henry Allen break the Flash? Will he give into his rage and seek vengeance? We've already seen Barry pushed to the limit in the first season, after finding out the Reverse Flash killed his mother. Now that two different speedsters have killed one of his parents, all because Barry chose to be a hero, the Flash could be unhero-like next week in the season finale.

The supporting cast gets some further development as well, mainly Cisco, Caitlin, and Wally. We're not too sure where the developments with Caitlin are leading though. Could she turn into Killer Frost because of her dealings with Zoom? There's something going on, so expect something big from her in the season finale next week. In addition, Wally is finally becoming the character fans know and love from the comics. He's becoming a hero, but without the powers. He's sure to be an important part of the next season, as will Cisco, who is really honing his new powers. It's great to see not all the focus is on Barry this week.

The overall episode was exciting and quite a bit better than the last few episodes. The biggest complaint came from the fact that Central City is supposedly invaded with metahumans from Earth-2, yet the audience really didn't see more than three: Zoom, Laurel Lance, and the guy Wally helped take down in the opening of the episode. There were also a few shots of other villains being taken down briefly at the end of the episode. Because of that, the threat to the city the viewer was supposed to feel wasn't apparent. Regardless, it is nice to see everything slowly come to a close here, and there's a big enough hook with Henry Allen's death to bring viewers back next week.

Mat Elfring on Google+

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