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Three Great PC Games Are Free To Play On Steam Right Now

Steam's free weekend is bumpin'.


Steam's free weekends give players the opportunity to enjoy a game for free and then buy it at a discount if they wish to continue past Sunday, and this particular weekend's slate of games is especially exciting. Ark: Survival Evolved, Descenders, and Deep Rock Galactic are available to play for free right now. All three of them are excellent games, offering distinctly different experiences among them, and definitely worth giving a shot. All you need to do is head over to their Steam page and click "Play."

Each game can be enjoyed free-of-charge until Sunday at 10 AM PT / 1 AM ET. After that, you'll need to pay for the full game to keep playing. Thankfully, each game is currently available at a steep discount. Ark: Survival Evolved is $10, down from $50, until March 9; Descenders is $15, down from $25, until March 2; and Deep Rock Galactic is $15, down from $30, until March 12.

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Ark: Survival Evolved is one of the biggest survival games on Steam and puts players into a world full of dinosaurs and ever-advancing technology. It's had a rocky development cycle, but recent reviews have given it a "Very Positive" user rating. It seems like there's never been a better time to jump in than right now.

Descenders is a downhill cycling game, in which you'll race for the fastest time, pull off the fattest tricks, and wipe out repeatedly trying to do both. It's an exhilarating experience and one of my favourite games to return to on a regular basis. Its user reviews have given it a "Very Positive" rating, and if you love extreme sports games like the Skate series, then you'll find something to dig in Descenders.

The last free-weekend game is Deep Rock Galactic, which evokes strong Left 4 Dead vibes. However, Deep Rock Galactic only builds on the foundation set by Valve's horde shooter. Yes, there are endless waves of aliens to fight, but you'll also be exploring procedurally-generated caverns that feature completely destructible environments. You can play by yourself or with up to three other players. Deep Rock Galactic boasts an impressive "Overwhelmingly Positive" user rating.

In addition to these free-weekend games, Steam has a number of big sales. The marquee deals come from the Square Enix sale, which features games like Nier Automata, Final Fantasy 15, and Dragon Quest 11. Other notable discounts include Doom (2016) for $6, Divinity Original Sin 2: Definitive Edition for $22.49, and Hunt Showdown for $24.

Free PC games on Steam this weekend

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