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14 Minutes Of The Medium Gameplay On Xbox Series X Showcases Its Psychological Horror

Cross over to the spirit world and beware the Maw in this new deep dive into The Medium.


Developer Bloober Team has revealed an extended look at its upcoming game The Medium, showcasing the psychological horror experience and its environments in 14 minutes of gameplay on the Xbox Series X. The Medium's story is told across a journey that allows players to explore both the world of the living and the realm of the afterlife.

The main draw here is that players will be able to venture into both worlds simultaneously using a split-screen dual reality gameplay system. The Medium also has its own fair share of danger as players will have to deal with The Maw, a malevolent entity that can travel between realities but manifests as a blind and invisible foe in the living world who stalks the protagonist Marianne.

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Now Playing: The Medium - Official 14 Minutes Of Xbox Series X Gameplay Trailer

In GameSpot's preview of The Medium, critic Alessandro Fillari noted how Bloober Team has built on the atmospheric horror of its previous games to create a tale that is both terrifying and surprisingly emotional.

"As one of the first big Xbox exclusives of 2021, it can help set the tone for the platform, especially since it's shaping up to be a clever take on the horror experience, and we'll see how far Bloober Team can take its concept for dual storytelling when it launches later this month."

The Medium is due for release on January 28 on Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store. For more detail on the game before it launches, don't forget to check out our The Medium preorder guide.

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