A well designed but simplified port of a PC gem. Recommended for younger action fans.

User Rating: 7.5 | Army Men GBC
This is a great port to a handheld system. Army Men for the PC was a good game and a nostalgic gem from my childhood when all I would play is computer games. On the Gameboy Color, the makers of this port have managed to keep the original overhead view style and feel of the original game. However there are some significant cuts to the content. Firstly I was disappointed to see that there was no squad based tactics that were such an important part of the original game. In this version you are expected to take on your foes alone and there is more of a resource management and ambushing aspect to the game. You are given a map with the enemy locations and it is up to you to decide where you want to attack from to minimize damage to yourself. Also the vehicles seem to have been almost completely neglected. In addition to the lack of these features there are only about half of the locations from the original game resulting in a very short experience with only about two dozen very brief missions. Though despite all of these gripes, Army Men for the Gameboy Color is very fun to play while it lasts and the visuals and sound are as good as I've ever seen on the platform. The missions are varied and it is fun to experiment with the many weapons at your disposal. It is also quite satisfying to see your enemies fragment into tiny plastic bits upon their demise. It is important to note that this is not a run and gun game but once you master the basic strategies, this game is a bit too easy. I can recommend this game if you are looking for a short but sweet action game for your handheld system.