Have you played an Army Men game? I did, now you don't need to.

User Rating: 4 | Army Men 3D PS
From beating the whole game in at least two hours, it wasn't at all worth the experience. It may seem interesting to have army men fight each other, but after the first level, it is utter garbage. All you do is go around and shoot other army men, and just beat simple levels, the only thing being hard is getting from point a to point b, because your man is slow. Very slow. The graphics are what would be accepted from an old game, not bad in their standards, more or less the graphics for a ds. The thing that can be constantly tedious is when you run out of ammo in the middle of a fight. Then you must proceed to run away from your targets to find ammo, only because none of the guns have unlimited. So, if you are almost done with the level and run out of ammo, and there are no crates to be seen, then you'll have to star over and do a boring level again. This game was probably a lot funner when it was first released, what, ten years back. The music is very annoying, hearing the same looped song over and over again. The voice acting is actually an upside to this game, but other then that, there isn't much to hold this game up. The game itself would be fun for a child, but if you aren't a kid, then its not an experience worth having.