This was fun back in da day, but now it is just BELOW average.

User Rating: 6 | Army Men 3D PS
I first came across this game by my cousin. He had this game and we would have fun with single player; we would try and see far we could get in the game by taking turns. He was already good in the game by himself, I think he even beaten the game, I am not sure about that though. Well, the pressure was on me to not die in the game a lot, because I did not want to slow us down like that. We also played multiplayer together; we would go against each other. Even though he beat me every time, I still had fun with him. I also played this game with my other cousins, they played it a lot. They even had another Army Men game; it was that "Sarge's Heroes 2" game for Play Station. I guess they liked the series a little or something. Then there were my other set of cousins who had this game, I guess this game was that popular around me at that time! They were the cousins that were around the same age as me. They played Army Men 3D on multiplayer like it was the only game that they had! I participated in playing with them. Now, they were not as hard as my other cousin, I could beat them! They could beat me too. So I guess you could say that we were at neck and neck. I also remember that it was on a 4th of July that everybody was playing this game. I cannot remember what year it was, but I do know that it was in the early 2000s. They had a cookout for the 4th of July like always. It was a lot of people that gathered outside there house! They were all of their relatives. Anyway, I do remember seeing my cousin light a "missile" firework into the sky; it was very cool to see! I loved the fireworks that they did, even though the noise scared the crazy out of me! So yeah, I had so much fun playing Army Men 3D with them on the multiplayer against them.

Story: 5/10
- The story is "inconclusive" to me. I just cannot understand what is going on in the game, and what it is all about. All I can see is that there is this Great War between the "Green Army" and the "Tan Army".

Gameplay: 7/10
- The gameplay is all right. Sometimes it can be hard to shoot "on target", and sometimes it is easy. The game is all about the Army, where they supply you with a number of weapons for attacking the enemy, such as a rifle, a flamethrower, a grenade, etc. You are also supplied with attacking vehicles, such as a tank, a jeep, etc. The player has the ability to crawl, kneel, and roll as tactics for attacking the enemy on foot. You are too supplied with items that can help you in the game, such as minesweepers and a walkie-talkie for assistance in the field.

Graphics: 6/10
- The graphics are not good, to me. I know that the characters are all about plastic old toys and stuff, but the backgrounds that surround the players are terrible to me.

Sound: 6/10
- The sound effects of the game I like okay, to all the shooting to and explosions, but the music is pitiful to me!

Overall, I give this game a 6 out of 10. I used to love playing this game with all my cousins in the past, but now, the game is just not all that fun to me anymore.