Good if you're a mech fan.

User Rating: 8.5 | Armored Core: For Answer PS3
This game is a pretty fun game in general but I can see this will appeal to a very selective group of players. If you are not into mech based combat or VERY fast paced combat then this game might not be for you. This game has a wide variety of customization options which I believe is the game's strongest point. The combat is pretty fun but it's more or less the same throughout the whole game. You will be spending the majority of your time tweaking your mech (more so than playing actual missions) because there is so much to do from purchasing/selling parts to fine tuning your capabilities (faster lock-on, faster vertical/horizontal boost, faster turn speed, etc.). This game seems easy at first but it gets very hard; to the point where I believe it would actually turn some gamers off. The online is pretty fun too. It comes down to twitch reflexes and being able to juke out your opponent's shots. All in all this I am very happy with my purchase at 60 dollars. Once this game drops in price it should be a pick-up for everyone.