A hilerious shooting game with comedy.

User Rating: 8.4 | Armed and Dangerous XBOX
There's no kill like over kill or over death in a smack-talking rag-tag ban of rebels named Rome(human),Jonesy(mole),Q(Robot-soilder) and Rexus(blind old men) on a journey across the great land of Milola to find The Book of Rule and an evil King called King Forge wants the book to rule the lands where he wants his dumb son Prince Stig to become king if they have the book of rule so you have to get there before his army get a hold of the book. So you play as Rome in the game where you can use many guns as you like such as the Shark gun which is you fire into the ground like in the film Jaws the shark gun can make your enimies scream,or the tommy-gun which is a machine gun or grandes where you can use a blck hole to suck up everything ot the topsy-turvey bomb where you go upside down and everyone esle falls. Plus there are pubs in the game where you can swap weapons and items, the missions are easy in the game.
The game is funny it has alot of comedy where you got Monty Python films,mixed with wind in the willows. The graphics look like a ps1 game and sounding looks great and funny.
A funny comedy if you like comedy programmes or films this one is a laugh.