Instantly addictive, Mercury quickly turns its difficulty from stun to kill.

User Rating: 7 | Archer Maclean's Mercury PSP
The first of its kind, Archer Maclean's Mercury starts out, as I might put it, as a little kitten wiping its paws. That little kitten quickly turns into a big hungry lion that promptly mauls you and then eats you. All analogies aside, Mercury does practically the same thing. It starts out in an idiotically easy tutorial world, but as soon as you enter deep into world two, BANG! The difficulty becomes so hard you want to pull your eyeballs out and scream. Unfortunately for the gamer who has already become addicted, you become forced to play until you get the level right. You applaud yourself, start the next level, and repeat. (Get mauled, get eaten, pull eyeballs out, scream.)
I started playing this game hoping for something fun, but all I got was a torture device. I now only play this game when I am bored, when I can't sleep at 2:00 in the morning, or to torture myself(I have a bad habit for this).
Overall, I would not play this game unless you want to waste your life moving a blob of mercury around a levitating platform in the middle of nowhere. Mercury, although it doesn't appeal to me much, might appeal to someone who likes puzzle games. And wasting their life. Your choice.