It was like watching a childhood friend get killed.

User Rating: 4 | Arcania: Gothic 4 PC
First thing is first, the graphics are good.. and that's about it. I have played and finished all the games in the series and I even "survived" trough Gothic 3 and from a fan's point of view, Arcania - Gothic 4 is a total letdown.
Let's get to the interesting stuff, the first thing that caught my eye is the LACK of choice, you no longer have it, there are extremely few quests in the game that let's you make a moral choice or any choice for that matter and in my opinion THAT is what made these games interesting and immersive. A second aspect that is quit hard to miss is the difficulty of the combat, I (honestly) used maximum 10-15 health potion in the whole game, well I don't know about you guys but in Gothic 3 if you could beat 3 guys at the same time, you were damn good, here you can fend off stupid amounts of enemies, get all the loot and go to the bathroom at the same time !
Now, this is were I wanted to get and this is something for all the new games, do you actually think a game can stand on graphics alone these days ? Show me a game from around 2009 with bad graphics, they are not a privilege for a long time, they are a STANDARD and with this being said, Arcania Gothic 4, maybe some people like you, but those who liked the original story and concepts of the previous games I doubt they will enjoy this.