With having Nice Extras but a VERY BAD GAMEPLAY gives you ATHF:Zombie Ninja Pro-Am

User Rating: 4 | Aqua Teen Hunger Force Zombie Ninja Pro-Am PS2
ATHF:Zombie Ninja Pro-Am for the PS2 is a game your thinking I love this show and I'll love this game. Your dead wrong. The game's story is Frylock, Shake, and Meatwad are invited to the New Jersey Golf course and Shake wants to show off. The Gameplay SUCKS. It combines Golf, Fighting, and racing. The controls are hard and characters are slow. The jokes in the game are funny but if you suck at the game your going to hear the jokes over and over again. The Graphics are nice the characters look great. The Extras are awesome there are full epsoides of the show mostly the Moonintes epsoides. I haven't completed this game 100% yet because I play it so much and then i'll get bored of it. This is a game to rent first buy later but it's nothing special it's really hard to explain that's why I give ATHF:Zombie Ninja Pro-Am for the PS2 a 4.0 out of 10