Stands as an icon of a new gameplay.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Sims 2 PS2
I got sims 2 ps2 on my birthday and i was quiet excited but did not excpect to much. But when i started to play and i saw that you could move your character with only the joystick.. It was like a dream coming true:D This game had a lot of improvment such as the joy moving and the whole new perspective on gameplay such as looking forward and not from the sky. And it was awesome that you could make your own recipe,s by choosing the diffrent food types. But when it comes to the bad stuff i would probably say that its quiet annoying with bugs and glitches such as one time my sim dissapeard on the street with only the cooking equipment floating in the air. i dont really remember if he showed up again hmm... :P anyway another thing is when your interacting such as eating and your trying to fast play forward it freezes for a little time and then finnaly catches up i dont see this as a major problem but it could be quiet annoying. Another bad thing and this might be the worst, is that you cant have kids! no im not kidding you can,t. there is either no way to breed or something like that wich ruins much much much of the sims good things. But this game stands good on its own and its not mediocre and its not superb cause it isnt really sims its actually just a virtual game with only adults and some interavtive stuff so this game if you look away and think this is on its own i think you will do fine.
Oh and by the way one good or bad thing (call it whatever you want) is that your sims arent that easy annoyed or angry or sad so its not that frustrating as the other sims in the series.

8.5 :)