By far one of the best, and most forgotten about, RPG's and Mario games, of all time.

User Rating: 9.4 | Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars SNES
It's thinking back and remembering the experiences I had with this game, that makes you realize how amazing the game really was. Granted it's hard to get past the fact when looking from the outside in, that the idea of a Mario-based RPG is relatively silly to be blunt. However, it was far from silly. The game's mechanics were amazing at worst, perfection at best.

It was games like Mario RPG, EarthBound, Final Fantasy II and III, and Chrono Trigger, that made the SNES the best RPG platform of all time. Truly no other console system has produced a better line up of RPG before or after. You'd have to go to the PC to find a competitor to rival such a beast of a line-up.

Truly, a forgotten classic, that suggests you cut yourselves if you haven't played it.