Great classic to start off, clearly, the best series in video game history.

User Rating: 9.1 | Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt NES
For its time, even for current times, the game is incredibly expansive. The game has over 30 levels and 5 castles. Each level is different from the other and is equally fun. Anyone who can become familiar with the game (anyone) will soon find themselves, holding the B button the whole game... jumping backward over Bullet Bills, running across the ceiling to the warp-zone, and coming THIIIS close to clearing the flagpole every time. If you choose it to be, the game can be very fast paced, long, and intense, or you can go through strategically finding each warp zone and finding the fastest way to get through levels. This automatically gets great points for sound from it's signiture sounds effects and soundtrack. I gotta say though, at this point, Nintendo was brand new on the console market and was still warming up so the graphics are PATHETIC. But that's ok, when a game's that old, no one cares. Oh yeah, Duck Hunt's fun too, probably slightly more famous than SMB, but not as fun.