This game is what Mario is all about!

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario Bros. 3 NES
The commonly known game known as Super Mario Bros. 3 is simply one of Mario's greatest adventures yet on the NES and now for the Virtual Console. Everything in this game is expertly designed, imaginative, and enduring. This game is sure to please any Mario fan, and any gamer who picks this up will enjoy this. Super Mario Bros. 3 even inspired a cartoon show! I also watched the cartoons when it came on. When I picked this up back in the day, I knew that I was playing a masterpiece! It is no wonder why Mario is Nintendo's beloved mascot! Super Mario Bros. 3 is still good after all these years, and actually is easy to come back to. The music can be very catchy and cinematic! The layout in the game is very creative and still holds its appeal. For 500 Wii Points, you cannot go wrong because it's well worth every penny. The only thing I can say about this game that might be a small problem would be that it's not Mario's best in my opinion, but it certainly comes close. I finally give Super Mario Bros. 3 a score of 9.0.