Frantic action all the way

User Rating: 8.1 | Serious Sam XBOX
Serious Sam to the untrained eye looks like any other first person shooter however it offers some great points of difference... The story is cut to a minimum in Serious Sam....Aliens attack you as serious sam must stop them...for some reason travelling to ancient egypt is central to this but I missed why So the moral here is the story has been sacrificed in exchange for high speed action I struggle to recall any first person shooter thats featured more enemies on screen all rushing you at once...the action is frantic giving you very few breathers between huge waves of enemies... The weapons are also numerous and varied ranging from shotguns to laser blasters, rockets, grenades and even large cannons that actually fire cannon balls. The enemies are just as varied from Bull like beasts to Winged terrors...Headless screaming zombies covered in giant laser blasting mech...and who can forget the half bald man half scorpion with a chaingun. It's all arcade perfect scores flash up as you collect treasures and convert once fearsome monsters into pools of dead slime. The presentation features bold colours and a cartoon like design and it's enjoyable stuff while lacking the polish of games like Halo or the really highly stylised XIII but it's still an enjoyable affair and its fast more basic mode of murderous fun really rubs off on you quickly... So if you wont mind the lack of an epic story and will enjoy a shift into high gear for some really good clean fun at a manic pace then this cult gem is one for you.