Engrossing and addicting. Zombie invasion done right.

User Rating: 9.5 | Left 4 Dead PC
The game is heavily engrossing even to the point which i found myself jumping at shadows around the house after i finish playing. The difficulty on, say advanced, is just right to instill the right amount of survival panic without the game becoming monotonous while you respawn again and again trying to avoid the witch this time or run away from the tank that little bit faster.

The games pacing is expert with the directer making each game feel fresh and new even though there are only a few relatively short chapters. (fingers crossed valve will make more)

The single-player isn't all that great although you can't really complain. The AI is competent and in expert mode the strategies used by the special zombies is downright complicated, dragging down the last player in the line as soon as he gets out of line of sight with his buddies.

The game definitely requires good teamwork if you want to succeed and even one bad player can bring a team down quickly (Friendly fire ftw!) but the voting system is easy to use and allows for quick kicking if a player isn't pulling his weight.

Multiplayer versus has a few niggles but is overall a lot of fun once you get over the campaign mode. This game will keep you going for a long time.

Incredibly engrossing and fun game to play with mates, although some niggles with versus mode (balancing) and match-making systems bring the game down to 9.5. One of the funnest PC games of the year.