I thought this game would be a mixture of the boring aspects of FO and bad parts of Oblivion, but it was the opposite

User Rating: 10 | Fallout 3 PC
Im going to keep this pretty short, but I was not expecting much from this game. After playing almost the whole game, I can say that my fears were alleviated. The story is great and there are far more choices than I expected after playing Oblivion. Most quests allow you to be a bastard if you want to be, and you can do pretty much anything you want.
The presentation is great, much improved over Oblivion, although the music is awful. I just keep one of the radio stations on usually.
If you liked the original Fallout games, I can't guarantee that you will like this game, but it does offer far more choices than most rpg's out there. Most heavy critics have had pre twisted views that made them hate this game before release. Although it does feel like oblivion at times, it captures the original Fallout atmosphere great. The game is also very stable, after 15hrs of play, 1 crash. This game isn't perfect, but there were no flaws significant enough to garner even a 1/2 point deduction