You cant get a game better then this.

User Rating: 10 | Chrono Trigger SNES
There's no other game better then this. Count out all the Final Fantasys. Or any game that even tries too beat it. It'll lose horribly.
The story is a plot of fasination, magic, and action. The tunes were great, Robos theme is the greatest. Face exotic creatures, from dinosaurs too machines. Get new swords, armor, there secret ownage weapon. And when you beat the game, you can always head for the new game plus.
Gain levels for your characters, learn devastating magic, or just slash the heck out of some monsters.
The graphics were the greatest of their time. If you don't own this game, I suggest you buy an SNES off some guy, and beat him up for a copy of Chrono Trigger. For those who haven't played it you don't know what your missing out on.