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Get 40 Light Novels And Manga By Nisio Isin For Only $30 For A Limited Time

This Humble Bundle offers $527 worth of manga, light novels, and audiobooks for only $30.


Humble has teamed up with Kodansha again for a new bundle of light novels. This isn't the first team-up between the two brands, but in case you missed it the first time, the Monogatari Returns collection gives you an incredible amount of reading material to enjoy on your Kindle or iPad. Written by prolific author Nisio Isin (often known as Nisioisin), these popular light novels have spawned several manga and anime adaptations over the years.

For this bundle, you can pay $1 to unlock five novels, $10 to unlock 14 items, $20, to get 27 books, or you can $30 for all 40 books.

Humble Bundle - Monogatari Returns, Again
Humble Bundle - Monogatari Returns, Again

Nisioisin is one of the big names in this space, and his work helped lead to the rise in popularity of these quick reads and digestible stories. His most famous work, Monogatari, is about high school student Koyomi Araragi and how she helps classmates break free from supernatural curses. The bundle includes plenty of other works by Nisioisin, too.

You'll also find a few manga series and audiobooks mixed in this collection, and everything here is DRM-free. Once you've made your purchase, you're free to enjoy all of this content on any device you own that supports EPUB, PDF, MP3, or FLAC files. A portion of the proceeds from the bundle will go to Binc, a charity aimed at helping bookstore and comic book shop owners when they encounter unexpected financial crises. As usual, you can adjust the allocation of funds between the creator, charity, and Humble.

For more deals from Humble, you can check out all the free games you can claim this month through Humble Choice and the Humble audiobook collection of bestsellers from author James Clavell.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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