One Of The Best Free To Play Games Out There

User Rating: 8 | APB Reloaded PC

I ended up trying out APB: Reloaded on a lark and ended up loving the game. It's a free to play title that has the benefit of a AAA development cycle. Originally intended to be a subscription game, it crashed at launch and was picked up by Reloaded Productions and is now distributed by Gamers 1st.

The level of customization in the game is crazy. From your avatar to clothes to cars you can outfit your cop or criminal in any manner you like and take on the enemy. With no campaign mode, the game relies on other players to be the opposition in this MMO and recent server merges have helped gather the user base together. I give it an 8 since it is getting a bit long in the tooth tech wise (as there as been basic development since launch, but no major overhauls) BUT there is the promise of a new engine and console compatibility on the horizon.

For free to play, it's at least worth a try. You may get hooked.