Data Design has always been a bad game company, and Anubis II doesn't increase their popularity.

User Rating: 1 | Anubis II WII
Obviously Anubis II is one of the worst games, no, cut that, THE worst game I've played so far. I don't know what I was thinking when I picked up a Data Design game. This game deserves to be perished by lightning.

The story, is just lazy. You are Anubis the second (wink wink) and a shadow has taken over Egypt, so as the guardian of the Underworld, you're off to save the day. That's it, I don't even know the ending, I destroyed this game to cure frustration. But to save everyone's money, he probably saves the day.

So gameplay is just, awful. So to play, you'll go around collecting tiny pyramid items to unlock a lock to a transporter to the next level. Already this is bad because there are about eight of these in each level and each little part is just awfulness. To jump you have to swing the nunchuck up, and up again to double jump. This is just awful. The sensors wouldn't even read me flailing my arm. But guess what? Data Design, the best developers ever, made a tiny glitch in the controls, you can just press the Z button to jump in this game. I looked at the controls screen and the manual to see if it says if you can use the Z button, but you can look for yourself it isn't there. Nice job guys. Combat is just laughable. To attack you have to swing to remote, but this attack just doesn't work. You can also you magic, but this is so weak, it takes FOREVER to kill something! The only thing that actually works is Anubis's bombs, but you only get about 3 to start and aiming is just gone! So my advice is to just avoid any combat at all, you can use the handy Z button to jump over the enemies. The camera, just awful. You have to manually move it when you get into a new position. But the camera would just do an all out beat down before going along with this scheme. Sometimes the camera goes into play for some puzzles, but these puzzles are so frustrating and broken, it's nearly impossible to accomplish.

Sound is awkward and dull, and barely any at all. Graphics are horrendous, it looks like someone wanted to paint with crap.

You know what DD? I'd like to have my 10 bucks, and my time back from using your absolutely broken product! Since I know I'm not getting either of those two back, I think I'll just stick to what I said and just destroy this trash.

So, Anubis II, should you Buy, Rent, or Skip? SKIP SKIP SKIP! If you're a person who likes to destroy stuff, go ahead, buy this, it's basically a big turd inside a plastic case.

Goods-Jumping can be used with the Z button, can destroy this game and not flinch

Bads-Everything else in this mash-up of literal doo doo