Great, now I have two copies of the same game...

User Rating: 6.5 | Another World: 15th Anniversary Edition PC
I loved Another World when in was released back in 1991. The game-play was so totally different from any other game, it was a true landmark. I played the original Amiga version, and hell… even now I sometimes like to play it. In the past 15 years I must have run through the game over a thousand times. No surprise that I was very thrilled when I learned there was a re-release on the market and I was eager to get hold of it. So I did…

The first thing that shows after loading the game is the huge similarity between this re-release and the original. In fact, apart from some fancy intro screens and a few additional levels (these were never implemented in the Amiga version) Another World 1991 is the same world as in 2007. This was somewhat of a let down. Maybe I expected too much? Overall the concept of the game was and still is great! Running around in an alien world full of surprises and using quick arcade action for the controls is a very appealing concept. In 1991 it even was somewhat of a cinematic adventure but nowadays it is nothing more than a side scrolling platform game. I really did hope they made something more out of it, but they didn’t. Another World is the same old game, just with slightly more detailed backgrounds. Another great feature is that you now get to play in high resolution and the game runs without any lag… no surprise, my PC is at least 350 times faster than my old Amiga. Don’t get me wrong here… I love the original game and I do like the re-release. But hey, I was a die hard fan of the game 15 years ago, so you might say I am a little subjective. For any gamer out here, hatched years after the Amiga era, this is not going to be an interesting game. You would find the graphics obsolete and the game way too short. You can finish it under 60 minutes if you know your way around. On the other hand, if you did like the game back in 1991, you will probably have a lot of fun reliving your adventure. This is the game you use to kill time when you have a spare 30 minutes. Just don’t expect anything different. You can play in high resolution without annoying lag, that’s it. Maybe I was a little disappointed, but I have to keep in mind this is a re-release not a make over. It is good to see someone tries to revive some old gems, and I really am supportive to that. That’s why I won’t flame the thing, but if you asked me, honestly; Another World is history, it was great back then but it is nothing more than sentimental memories from my childhood playground. For me that’s worth the nine bucks.