Hey, this is a great game, wanna play? Yeah! OK, one condition: you have to repeat every game part 1000 times. Deal?

User Rating: 7 | Another World: 15th Anniversary Edition PC
Eric Chahi and his crew members must be a bunch of sadistic geniuses, they make such great games, show them to people but then do not let them play. OK, actually they do, but they make repeating every part of their games million of times to achieve any progress in the game. Lets take a great movie. And imagine you watch it such that you watch every short sequence at least 10-20 times in a row. What would you think about this movie? Or rather about watching it? You encounter the same dilemma while playing games of the said game makers. Great, but...
Another World is an old game and it shows. It has a good story and a beautiful setting, which now looks even better i high res. But what was so great in 1991, is not so great today. The whole hype is largely based on nostalgic memories. I think the best part of the game is the setting, if you like sci-fi. Actually this game should be not a game but just a comic book with beautiful posters of Another World. The game play itself is nothing special, it is simplistic, controls are very fuzzy, movements feel a bit primitive (ok, its 1991), lots of scripting, and again, repeating every portion of the game over and over and over, trying to master every particular episode, every single movement. Check point save system is not so good here, check points are rare and not so logically placed, so you have to repeat rather long sequences, which could be easily split in shorter ones. I think that another Chahi's game, Heart of Darkness, was much better in all aspects (maybe except the setting), even if it also heavily suffered from repeating of sequences. What is the point in learning to perfectly master movements in a particular sequence when it takes so many repetitions and totally distracts from the game play as a whole? Also, why not design some more controls for different movements and actions (one button for shoot and run!?) and make them more responsive? If it comes to such degree of precision as in this game, one has to be able to rely on working controls. Anyway, if you like sci-fi and good visuals, if you are nostalgic about old games and this one in particular and if you have lots of time to kill and like repetition a LOT, and if you are a master of 2D platformers and have reflexes of a ninja or patience of a sphinx, then this game is certainly to recommend. Otherwise it would not be worth all frustration and wasted time.