This non-game rocks!

User Rating: 9.8 | Animal Crossing: Wild World DS
Well Animal Crossing WW is not really a game ,it's a new life and it feels real on a scary level. You'll want to miss school/work just to catch that sale!
Basicly, you get dumped in a town by Kapp'n he asks you to name the town and for your name. You mave into a house which can be expanded by paying back Tom Nook (Shop clerk).

You have to do all the work in the town like gardening, which are chores in real life but are some how great in this game. You can make many friends in town, they are all animals (hence 'Animal'). You can also cross over to your friend's towns online or wirelessly (hence the 'Crossing''), this is where the fun comes in.

The graphics are colourful (or colorful for all you Americans, lol) just like the on the 'Cube, but the world is now a semi spere, it rules!

You can do everything from fishing to abusing people with nets ,this game will last years, i recomend it to all. Forget the 'Cube version this game was destined to be on the DS.