Gamespot reviewed Animal Crossing Wild World WAYY too hard. This game diserves at least a 9.0 considering its one of

User Rating: 9.6 | Animal Crossing: Wild World DS
this game is one of the best ds games released to this date. there is no way this game should have been reviewed and given a misarable grade of 8.4

in my opinion, animal crossing wild world kicks ass. this game along with mario kart, tony hawks american skateland and the up comming metroid prime: hunters, make your ds library the greatest considering the use of nintendos wifi connection. its too bad nintendo made it so you need a friend code to go to other players towns in wild world. BUT, you coudnt even get online in the gamecube version so its not that big of deal. graphics-wise, animal crossing: ww amazed me. sure, its not anything like your psp's graphics but they are still very good. and all the people who criticize the ds because its a handheld with no extra media functions such as an mp3, movie player or a picture viewer and web browser... why would you need all of that.
there is no use to the pornstation portable if you have a laptop. you got all of your mp3, movie, web browser and picture viewers on that. so if you dont have a ds or a psp, the answer is clear/obvious... go out a get yourself a nintendo ds for 129.99 - 149.99 and save yourself ootles of cash. dot forget to pick up animal crossing wild world when your out there since its just that damn good.