Animal Crossing Wild World is by far one of the best games yet for the DS. It's fun, innovative, and an instant classic

User Rating: 9.4 | Animal Crossing: Wild World DS
Animal Crossing Wild World is everything and more you would expect from an animal crossing title. The character design is brilliant, the customization is awesome, and the graphics aren't too bad for a handheld either.
This time around on Animal Crossing, you will probably first notice that (what i found to be annoying) the map is no longer set up by acres, but instead by an angled planet like strip of land. On this land, you will find neighbors, rivers, beaches, and a buttload of things to do. Whether you decide to fish, catch bugs, hunt for fossils, or simply interact with your neighbors, you will see that it never gets old. The gameplay may be rather simplistic, but dull, not by any means.
Now more than likely, most people reading this review are simply wanting to know what the online feature is like. The feature shows that it is not meant to be an all out, full fledged, MMO game, but the feature doesnt hold the game back either. Its very entertaining to be playing the game online over the internet interacting wirelessly, but thats just it, the only people you may be able to interact with is your friends. For, you see, you do need the Friend Code of the person your playing the game with to go online, otherwise, your out of luck. But even though that is very frustrating, its all worth it when you finally play online.
I would definitely say that in this game, looks can be decieving. As childish as the game looks, there is something for everybody. Whether you change your neighbors catchphrases to funny or inappropriate things, or you decide to be kind and friendly, it all works out as a fun innovative game. The characters phrases are well written, and yes, even at times funny. Each character has their own distinct personality. Sone are fun and happy, some are depressing, some are stubborn, and some are very rude. But don't fret, if you find a neighbor you don't like, just repeatedly smack them with the bug catching net, it will tick them off and occassionally make them decide to move. Its actually pretty funny.
Finally, as far as the graphics concern, I must admit im a bit impressed. Although the graphics arent PSP graphics by any means, I myself can find very few if any differences between the gamecube and ds versions of Animal Crossing with graphics. The characters are well designed , the world is bright, and the 3D on a handheld is awesome. Every time I pick up my DS and play a 3D game on it, I still say wow, because I still remember using a colorless gameboy 10 years ago.
All in all, if you are looking for a great, fresh new game that constantly thrills and never gets old, you may want to check out Animal Crossing: Wild World for the Nintendo DS.