Own Every MMORPG that's ever been thrown at you? take a stab at this... ;-)

User Rating: 9 | Anarchy Online PC
This is definitely the mother of MMORPGs... It's challenging to say the least, but worth the hard effort in the end. I didn't even like RPGs untill this game came along, and now i cant get away from it! The IP distrabution is generic, per level you get a certain amount if IP and you choose where to improve yourself, differnt races and professions specialise in differnt areas. The gameplay is simple, but not simple enough to write all of it in this review, check out the forums ;-)... There;s too much to this game to put in this review, but the game is also so well done (on a non-technical standpoint) that it's hard to get away. Even if you are a hater to all RPGs, take a stab at this, and if you mutilate all competition in other RPGs, you should definitely try this. even eassier to make you decide to play, is that funcom, the creators of Anarchy online, are giving out accounts to play for free untill november 2007! while this is without the expansions, it will still satisfy your thirst for competition, adventure, or simple entertainment. So even if you are a deep hater of all RPGs, get a good internet hookup and try this out ;-) because if you end up loveing it as much as i do, you'll be the first to say it was all worth it :D