The original should have been like this.

User Rating: 10 | American McGee's Alice PC
As soon as I saw the trailer for this game I knew it would spark my interest. Since everyone knows the story of alice in wonderland, why not make a sick twisted version of it. To tell you the truth, this should have been a Tim Burton movie of the same effect of the Nightmare Before Christmas. I love the cheshire cat and his quotes. The gameplay was amazing, and the story had substance. The weapons were cool, this was a dark side of an American classic. As a kid watching the movie I didn't notice how dark the original was until I saw it when I got older. The game was perfect. I went into this game with visualizations of the original and totally being shocked when these same characters were portrayed in McGees Alice. I have played it more than once and would play it again if I had time. "Every adventure requires a first step, trite but true, even here" I love that cat. -Jscapo