Play it in the dark, by yourself, in you attic during a thunderstorm and I dare you not to sh!t your pants!!!

User Rating: 9.4 | American McGee's Alice PC
Great game for it time and now. Very creative & dark. Play it in the dark, by yourself, in you attic during a thunderstorm and I dare you not to sh!t your pants!!! I pull this on out my collection once a year. I wish they would come out with a sequal. A movie based on the game is in production. Sarah Michelle Gellar is the only cast member to sign on so far. The director will be Marcus Nispel. He has directed mostly commercials and music videos but his most notable work is "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." Hopefully this movie won't crap all over the games reputation & fan base. Buy the game now before the movie hypes the game and it is back to its original retail price.