No surprises here, the Gamespot Review was right on....

User Rating: 6 | American McGee's Alice PC
Gave it it a pretty good shot thru a majority of the game, certainly can't complain about the art design/graphics (given the time a few years back, when the game was published), sounds/music was atmosperic at first and then begin annoyingly repetitive. Voice acting acceptable but nothing special.

Gameplay was the main issue, gamespot indicated that it would probably be a very linear experience, and they were certainly not wrong, there was one and only one way thru the game, when you got to a bottle-neck you got stuck. Although I'm not a consoled afficianado, this game seems to me to be much geared toward having the best hand-eye-mouse coordination, rather than looking more at the overall strategy aspect. Trouble was, when stuck in one tough location, there was no other option but to reload/try again, reload/try again, reload/try again, ad nauseum. While it was a definitely challenge, it became more of chore than a past time to get thru the more difficult areas. Not exactly my cup of tea, at my more mature age. This one seems to be more aimed toward toward the younger PS/Xbox crowd (a few years back at least). Not saying that it was a universally bad offering, just not suited to me. I think that Gamespot's rating of Good is about exactly right, some folks will have liked it some have not. Was stable for me and no crashes running on the up to date version of Windows XP SP2.