A great work of art.

User Rating: 8.4 | American McGee's Alice PC
Adventure games can sometimes be boring and not that eciting at all. But AM's Alice is an exception to the problem. This game has plenty of potential and i'll tell you how. O.k. so the game starts off like after she returned from wonderland and few years later she goes back and the once beautiful, colorful world turns into a dark, living nightmare and the Queen is behind this so its up Alice to stop her, o.k. got it. This story is actually great, it makes a perfect sequel because it picks off after the original alice. And not only its a game, its kind of like a movie if you play through the game so thats definetly a plus for me. Graphics, on the positive side, the gaphics look good but they could've been better, but they did put textures in ttoo to help the graphics show more so thats another plus. The gameplay is fun and good to play. You'll see side of alice like you've never seen before, wild side, she may look innocent but she can pack a punch, or even worse, kill. You can use a total of 9 toys or weapons whatever you want to call them to help get rid of the badies trying to stop like the knife (my favorite), a mallet, cards, some demon dice, and ice wand (another favorite) and many more. The levels are great although they are kind of tricky you should figure them out. The sound is great. The music while you're playing is amusing so you'll get some entertainment there. The value is great but the gameplay can get repetive on the way. Now that i've made my point, you should know that Alice has plenty of potential and it gave its 100% into making a great adventure thriller. If you want some exciment, i recommend you get this game, its worth your money.