User Rating: 9.1 | American McGee's Alice PC
OK, ill make this short since few will ever read this. This is a beautiful game, period. The graphics are amoung some of the most inspired and beautiful I have ever seen, and im playing it 2 years after its release! From the loading scenes (spellbinding!) to the imaginative levels, this game is a powerhouse of graphical presentation, though it wont really tax your new PC. Its nothing like Half-life 2 mind you, but for the time that it was made, it was pure genius. Some textures are simple but done in a way that you can really susspend disbelief, and the colors are RICH deep hues that will have you thinking of flower arrangements and sunsets somehow. The music and its quality are amazing, the score of the game will blow you away if you let it affect you. When I first loaded the game up I spent 5 mins. entranced at the opening options scene. The sound effects, while not as good as the score, are still noteworthy and contribute to the experiance. The voice acting can range from enlightening (Ex. Alice: What should i do? Cheschire Cat: Let your need be your guide, supress your instinct to lead, pursue rabit.) to corny. I personaly did not like Alice's voice actres, though she is good (same woman who does kate archer from NOLF). I though an actual little girls voice would have been better. So this area of the game is kinda spotty, but still good. Ahh what next, oh the controls, a most cruicial element. The controlls are good, you can generally hit what you aim at, and the camera is one of the best ive seen (read: it gets the hell out of the way and lets you play the game.) Alice moves and jumps in predicatable ways and the inventive plaforming scenes will have you feeling ready to take them on, instead of despising the event like some games. Make no mistake, this is a platformer, and you will put in alot of time navigating the enviroments, as well as chucking Big knives at warrior ants, floating hell spawns, and whatever else seems to annoy you at the wrong time. The combat... mmmm.... it is fun, though somewhat straight forward. It is not to deep, but there can be some cool battles that will have you breathing in your chest when they are through, but on the whole, the fighting is a 8, thanks to the good control and camera. So there you have it, a full review! Actually, this game is really an 8. The core of the game is not inspired from a gameplay point of view, some of the levels are not as imaginative and can drag on, and some of the voice acting and writing is corny. But this game is more than the sum of its good and bad parts. Like life. Its elements come together synergistically the create an unbelievably surreal gaming experiance that will stick with you for the rest of your life if you let it affect your mind and heart with its inspiration. For that I give it a 9.1. And really, the game is 5/10 bucks at wal mart. It would be a crime to let this game go unplayed at that price, even if plaforming isnt your favorite genre.