could of been better thought out

User Rating: 3.5 | America: Expansion Pack PC
in this game there is some cheats from america that do work in the expansion pack game, icanwineverythingnow,iwantareallystronghero,iwantareallybadguy,and iwantanamericanhero. try any of these to get more out of playing the game, wish they had of open a cheat for the mexican hero to be opened while playing the game. overall it will give you hours of fun. there is also an level editor with this game which would be nice if you could hide people and find them to join your tribe when playing a game. the sound and grapics are not so great, but maybe the makers of this game will read this reveiw and add some better input of the game. would like to ask everybody if they have anything to add, to join in and let folks know. so many older games in 2d have been overlooked. dose anyone have any other cheats that will work, let us all know. have fun playing this game.