Alpha Protocol is fun and worth checking out.

User Rating: 8 | Alpha Protocol X360
Alpha Protocol: The Espionage RPG

Publisher: Sega
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
Platform: Xbox 360
Rated: Mature
Released: June 1, 2010

The visuals in Alpha Protocol were not bad, it was like Obsidian took a page out of Bioware's handbook and the visual aspect's I'm talking about are the facial feature's almost as great as Mass Effect's but not that great, they were polished enough to be good but not great which I still loved the work they did on the facial feature's of the character's of the game. The level design was good their were not a lot of glitch's or issue's where the polygon rate did not inter twine with one another and if some of you don't know what I might be talking about, well it is when a part of your character's arm,leg,shoulder or even the weapon might go into the wall or the surfaces so in short their were not to many of those issue's so that's a good thing. The menu's to the game are nice to look at, so in short the overall visuals of Alpha Protocol are good they are not great but they are good.

Now the sounds for Alpha Protocol are great, I liked the sound's the weapon's made which is was good, and along with the game's musical score which was amazing and fit right in with the atmosphere of the game and it did well with the mood of all the mission's I was on. But The one thing I really liked about Alpha Protocol was the great voice acting and it was in my mind just as great as I have heard in the past year or so and to that is saying the voice acting is amongst the best which include's a bunch of game's in my mind that I will compare this game to a list of game's and I'm not afraid to compare Alpha's voice over work with the game's I listed (Mass Effect series, Red Dead Redemption, Alan Wake, Mafia 2, Bad Company 2 and I hate to say but yes COD: Black-Ops and that is probably the only thing a I liked about Black-ops was it's voice acting and still their are many other game's that go in to this list) but I'll just stop their on that and I just loved the great voice acting and Alpha Protocol is amongst the best and this game is on this list in my mind, so between some great music and great voice over work which made Alpha Protocol's audio work just fine

Now I liked the visuals in this title, and audio was great in my mind, but the game-play was a little hard to handle and their were time's in this game where the enemy A.I was just dumb or they were to intelligent basically it was some time's easier to just run and gun then to try to sneak around so basically if you have played Knights of the old Republic 2 the A. I was 50/50 you would get easy enemies and some hard one's. I'll tell you a little bit of the story you play as a character that is sent on a mission to find who blew up a civilian airliner, and find some weapons of mass destruction that were stolen from your government, and then your agency which is suppose to be secret and almost everyone in this game seems to know about it betray's you and kind of sets you up and so you are still out to find out who basically stole the weapons of mass destruction and clear your name or take them down. The game takes some time to get in too, but not that long and once you get in to it it suck you in, and their are not to many bugs but you can ignore the ones that are their and they should not render the game-play to much. This is a good game by a under appreciative developer they have something great here, but lets see what happens next. Oh I almost forgot about the one important part of RPG's and that is the customizing is good and the leveling progression is good and easy to figure out, it felt like KOTOR 1&2 to me but that is just me, I almost for got about the one system in this game is the choice system and that mean's for some who are not familiar with that is basically what you might think it means and what ever choices you make in Alpha Protocol can turn in your favor through out the game or it can work against you and you might have a different out come and you might not get the ending you are hoping for so choose your path wisely.

Alpha Protocol is a good game it is not great but it is not all that bad, I believe this title can be found for about $30 to $40 or even less then that this game is good and takes some time to get in to it and when you get in to it you will play it for hour's. So it's worth checking out.

8 out of 10