The storyline and character choices may be the game's highlights, but I couldn't play it long enough to get that far.

User Rating: 5 | Alpha Protocol PC
"Horrible console-to-PC port" pretty much sums up the game. It may have promise, it may have a great, interactive story, but it was simply so tedious to play that I couldn't stick with it to find out. Right off the bat you get to experience the game's clunky controls - the camera zooming in and out due to walls moving it, your character turning either way too slowly or way too fast, and a targeting reticle that never seems to be in the same place when you "aim" as where it was in normal view.

Then there's the save-points carried over from the console. That's worse than DRM in my book.

When I first created my character, I thought that the skill system looked kinda cool, but there's nothing like playing an RPG that makes half of it's skills useless during the beginning of the game. In the first few levels you'll be off to a great start if you chose pistols or hand-to-hand for your combat skills, and hacking for a tech skill. If you picked SMGs, rifles, or shotguns though, good luck. You're stuck w/a dart gun, which means running up to SMG armed guards and shooting them at point-blank range if you want more than half your shots to hit. Or you can just hide around a corner and wait for the game's lame AI to send the bad guys at you one at a time. Either way, your super-spy character still needs a full clip of tranq darts to disable a single bad guy.

The game did have a few bright points: the first time you take somebody down with a hand-to-hand stealth attack is pretty sweet. You just don't get very many chances to do it early on. The security system mini-game is kinda fun the first few times you play it, but after having to disable a dozen alarms in the first 20 minutes of the game, I was over it.

That's really all that I can say about the game - I didn't spend more than an hour on it, which is really sad. I can't remember the last time that I only played a game that short a while.