It had so much potential

User Rating: 6.5 | Alpha Protocol PC
I must say I've actually quite enjoyed it despite the terrible first impression. I can forgive the graphics, bad AI, save/load bugs, and loading/stuttering issues for one reason: the game is captivating in its integration of choices and consequences and as a result sucks you in from start to finish.

Sadly, the story itself fails. Without spoiling anything, take every radical nutcase conspiracy about the US defense contractor Halliburton, rename Halliburton to Halbech, and you have the AP story. The specific problem is AP tries to be serious but rather than incorporate any complex and weighty realities of our time, AP goes with the "evil corporation causing all our problems" cliché.

To rephrase: AP has two main players: a US defense contractor and a Muslim terrorist group. Who is the actual bad guy according to the game? The US contractor. You can decide if you think that's ridiculous (hint: it is).

But anyway, as long as you can ignore the absurdity of the story, the game itself is still quite engaging. Overall, it's worth playing if for nothing else but to experience the choices and consequences system.

10/10 player choice.
9/10 presentation.
8/10 characters.
8/10 voice work.
8/10 skills/weapons customization.
7/10 music.
7/10 level design.
6/10 level art and world textures.
6/10 shooting/cover.
6/10 sound effects.
5/10 story.
4/10 animations.
4/10 dumb
AI. 3/10 boss fights.
2/10 PC controls.
2/10 technical/polish.