What could have been!!

User Rating: 6.5 | Alpha Protocol PC
This game could have been a really good game if it wasn't for..... the hacking the computer part it was just plain hard and boring,not to mention hard on the eyes(at least my eyes) Then there is the controls, it was hard enough to make a person turn with the right analog stick on the PS 2 while you move them with the opposite stick but try turning a person with a mouse in your hand. The times were you need to make a choice how to respond to someone, it didn't always give you enough time to read each choice let alone respond.. Having said all that I still played the game as far as I could till the computer hacking got in the way of me finishing the game.The story line was good and the fighting pretty enjoyable and I enjoyed the fact that there were options to how you responded to the different characters.With a little more time and tweaking this could have been a solid game.Maybe after a little Fallout New Vegas I will give it another shot..