This game is what Mass Effect 2 should have been

User Rating: 9 | Alpha Protocol X360
This game surprised me. A lot. And not just the game itself but the storyline has so many twists and turns by the time I was done I wasn't sure what was up or down.
As far as third person shooting games go this has to be my favorite in a long time. The storyline is far superior to other games you'll find on the market, the voice acting is great, and the characters are simply amazing.

Lets get my first big gripe out of the way though. As immersive as the game is the interface can take you right out of the game. At the start of the game this isn't such a big deal because you will probably only have one or two abilities and only a few gadgets. As the game progresses you will find yourself pausing more and more to switch things out. It's a pain to be in a huge battle with a half dozen soldiers and have to pause the game multiple times to switch out guns, abilities, and gadgets.

Now that I'm past that lets just say that even thought the interface is bad in combat it is partially because of the huge amount of options. You have a wide variety of gadgets, guns, accessories, armor, and abilities so customize your character just the way you want him. Want a guns blazing smooth talking renegade? No problem. Want a sneaky no nonsense covert ops veteran? You got him. Want a over aggressive guy with enough gadgets to make James Bond's mouth water? Ask and ye shall receive.

This brings me into another point. The conversations. Not only did they do a great job making conversations exciting they also give you the choice to play the exact kind if character you want. There is usually 3 choices Suave, Aggressive, and Professional. But this isn't always the case. At times you may have to make a split second decision between saving tons of lives or the life of someone close to you. Other times you may have enough dirt on the other guy to blackmail him, convince him you're on the level, or have the info to call him on his lies, or even execute them on the spot. It's all in how you play the game and the choices you make.

Speaking of choices, I couldn't begin to count the number of choices you have in this game. Also almost every single one of these choices has repercussions. You'll be surprised how simply choosing between taking a left or right could affect your entire game and how people see you from that point on. I can't begin to tell you how shocked I was after seeing some of my choices come back to help or hinder me.

All in all this game is amazing. Though some people might get lost in the choices or caught up over little things like not being able to make your character blond or a female this game is really amazing. Anyone who is a fan of Mass Effect will enjoy this game.
Also a note, anyone who liked the first Mass Effect over the sequel will love this game and wonder what went wrong that developers couldn't make a game this great.