Very good first impression but it keeps getting worst the longer you play. Overpriced item shop and bad c

User Rating: 5.5 | Allods Online PC
At first you have a feeling that this game gives you a lot of opportunities, from the amount of classes to the skill system, but in the end, they're all the same with different names to different abilities. For example, the warden class is just a summoner with minor variations that doesn't greatly affect the gameplay.

The game is very quiet, there's a lot of sounds missing. No foot steps, battle sounds or music. Each zone as a soundtrack but they're short and repetitive.

The graphics looks good but they show a level of complexity so low that they don't feel right when you zoom in.

The item shop is evolving but everything is overpriced at the moment. There are rumors that some potions required for endgame will be only available from the item shop. There are work around as you can get every items from the game but it's a grind fest (I was unlucky and it took 5 hours in a group to get the items for the 24 slot bag which gives me 6 more slots than the 18 bag you get at the beginning).

There are no mounts yet in the NA version but the teleporting system is satisfying.

The crafting system makes all low level items a rarity in the auction house (must break down items for materials to level crafting).

A positive point is the community, lots of people in most zones (sometimes too much) and the rarity of some spawns will force you to group.